Love From Your Pastor

Happy New Year Friends!

Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. (Psalm 2:11)
I hope and pray 2014 will be a tremendous year for you, and for us at FBC, as we serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.  We were reminded this morning that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge (Prov. 1:7).  Let’s worship and serve Him with awe and reverence this year!
Did you set some goals for this year?  Are you committed to write them down, read them often, share them with someone, and pursue the completion of them dilligently?  I hope so!
If you want to be reading the same passages of Scripture each day that I’m reading, I’d encourage you to 1) pick up a One Year Bible, 2) pick up a reading list for Jan. and Feb. from the missions table in the foyer, or 3) go to and print out a list for yourself.  It’s only the 2nd, so it’s not too late to start!
This Sunday we will remember our Lord’s death as we partake of the cup and the bread during Communion.  May we come with hearts prepared.  Let’s begin the new year drawing closer to our Lord than ever.
I will be starting a new short series on the book of Nahum this Sunday.  You may want to find it ahead of time and put a book mark there so you’re not stumbling through the minor prophets trying to find it Sunday!  The name Nahum means “comfort”, which is interesting since the book is mostly about the judgment facing Nineveh!  So the series is called, “Comfort in Judgment.”  There is comfort for God’s people in the knowledge that He is the perfect and sovereign Judge of all the earth.  Please read chapter 1 of Nahum in preparation for the message.  Also, because Nahum is such an unfamiliar book to most of us, I’d encourage you to take a little time, and if you have a study Bible, read through the introductory remarks about the book to become a little more familiar.  That way you can get the most out of these 3 messages to start the new year.
I’m excited about what’s in store for us in 2014!
Love From Your Pastor,