AWANA is a children’s club designed to help you raise your child to know Christ. The program gives you tools to use in your own home as well as meeting together, once a week, at the church. Visit for more resources and parent tips.

Children in K-2nd grade. Your child takes a journey through the Bible in Sparks. The handbook includes biographies of people and events from the Bible as well as verses to memorize. Clubbers hear stories from the Bible during Large Group Time and participate in fun games.

Kids in Grades 3-6. At this age, children are ready to deepen their knowledge and understanding of God and a biblical worldview.
Handbook time with a leader and Large Group time will help them apply their
new knowledge as they grow in Christ.

AWANA also has a Youth Ministry to reach Middle and High School-aged kids. If your teen is interested in working through the book with the aid of a mentor, please inquire. Youth Group offers more opportunities for your teen to strengthen their faith. Middle School meets 4:30 – 6 pm on Sunday evenings. High School follows 7 – 9 pm