Love From Your Pastor

By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:35 ESV)

This Sunday we will be studying John 13:31–14:4, and the message is called, “Learning to Love”. We are following some key events in the life of Simon Peter and learning from his close interactions with Jesus about what it means to live like our Lord. Together from this text we will see love as the central character of Jesus and the central command of His ministry.

Only 14 days to Trunk-or-Treat! Elizabeth is still looking for 10 more vehicles – so come up with a decorating theme (or ask her for ideas) and sign up to join the fun! It is our desire to shine the light of Christ’s love for our community on this dark night. Please be in prayer for this event – that we will be good neighbors and will shine as the light of the world. Pray for families, that they will read the gospel tracts and the literature about FBC and want to come back to know more! Please keep the candy coming – I believe we are at around 205 pounds (which is about half of what we need)! And we are also in need of ten people to donate 4 dozen cookies each (sign up sheet in the foyer). The 9th annual trunk-or-treat will take place in the church parking lot (and fellowship hall for dinner) from 6:00 — 7:30pm. 

Men – it’s that time again – time for our monthly Men’s Breakfast! This Saturday at 8am in the Fellowship Hall! Come join us for some great food, good discussion, and an important lesson from God’s Word about the basics of the Christian life! If you can help cook, please show up at 7am. See you Saturday guys!

Love From Your Pastor,
