Love From Your Pastor

Hello Friends!

He said to them, “Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
 (Luke 20:25)
This passage in our reading in Luke today (20:19-26) is intriguing.  Notice what the Gospel Transformation Bible says about it:  “Despite the crafty intention of the religious leaders, the great wisdom of God incarnate in Jesus is on clear display here.  Jesus takes the politically charged question about paying taxes to Caesar and turns it into an opportunity to stump His opponents and to draw more people to marvel at God’s ways.  Jesus’ answer also raises the matter of the Christian’s experience of living as citizens of two very different kingdoms, the earthly and the heavenly (Phil. 3:20).  This reality of our dual citizenship is the source of great conflict internally and externally.  From within, we struggle to reorient our lives toward God’s radically different present and coming kingdom, even while living in this world.  From without, we encounter persecution and discomfort in this sinful and God-opposed world (2 Tim. 3:12).  Jesus does not eliminate this dilemma of our existence, but He does give us a vision of how to approach these matters.  All of the world is God’s, but in this overlapping age we must acknowledge that there is an authority and order to society that must be obeyed (Rom. 13:1-7), even while our ultimate allegiance is to God.”
We are certainly dual citizens!  While we live
in this world, we are not to be of
 this world.  Are you faithfully rendering to God all the things that are His?
This has been a rough time of sickness for a lot of people.  I myself have been hit with it pretty good this week.  I pray you are all doing well, or at least, are on the mend!
This Sunday I will continue our series on the life of David.  We will look at 1 Samuel 20 and the friendship between Jonathan and David.  I’d encourage you to read it ahead of Sunday.  What kind of qualities do you look for in a good friend?  What kind of a friend are you?  Do you have someone of whom you can say, you love them as your own soul?  Beyond that, what does it mean to you that Jesus calls His disciples “friends” (John 15:13-15)?  Are you His friend today?
Speaking of friends: in 1993 I was a new student (as a junior) at Western Baptist College (now Corban University).  I became good friends with a young lady.  It truly did start out as simply a friendship, and we referred to each other as “buddies”.  It wasn’t long though, until that young lady grabbed ahold of my heart.  I look back now 23 years later and thank God that this beautiful young lady is not only my best friend, but also my amazing wife!  As we celebrate her birthday today, I am amazed at the incredible person the Lord created when He made her, and how He has caused her to grow spiritually so much that she is more wonderful to me than ever.  Happy Birthday Elizabeth Beach!
Happy to be a friend of God and of all of you!
Love From Your Pastor,