Love From Your Other Pastor

Dear Friends,
Remember to keep praying for the Beaches and a time of refreshment for them and quality family time. 
In 2 Kings we see a remarkable story.  In chapter 22 Josiah comes into power and reigns in Jerusalem for 31 years.  “And he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and walked in all the way of David his father.” (vs. 2)  This is especially unique
his father, Amon, did evil for the two years he reigned, and his grandfather, Manasseh, who reigned for 55 years was worse.  Not much of a legacy.  I wonder what caused Josiah to be a man that did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.  If you continue to read chapter 22 you’ll read about the discovery of the Book of the Law (the Torah, Genesis-Deuteronomy) in the house of the Lord.   Any copies that weren’t hidden had been destroyed by the previous kings. So not only did Josiah follow the Lord, but he did it before he had the little bit of God’s Word that had been written. 2 Chronicles 34:3 gives us a bit of insight, “For in the eighth year of his reign (16 years old), while he was yet a boy, he began to seek the God of David his father…”
But I wanted to focus on verse 7 back in 2 Kings 22.  This verse comes about when Josiah decides to repair the temple.  His father and grandfather had destroyed it as they chased after false gods.  He gathers money and sends it to the “workmen who have oversight of the house of the Lord (vs. 5).”  Then verse 7 says “But no accounting shall be asked from them for the money that is delivered into their hand, for they deal honestly.”  Same story in 2 Chronicles 34:12a “And the men did the work faithfully.” 
I know if I was King Josiah I would be keeping close tabs on that money.  Our culture has taught us to trust no one.  Yet, King Josiah says don’t worry about it, they are honest men.  I wonder if we have built that kind of reputation for ourselves.  Are we people who deal honestly, are we people who are trustworthy, are we people who reflect Jesus in a broken world?  Not only that, but they were faithful to the work they had been called to.  I bet they had hard days, things went wrong, but they were faithful.  Are you faithful in the job God has called you to; whether in a
workplace, or at home with your children.
  If your boss (like King Josiah) were to give a review of you would they say you are honest and work faithfully?  I pray that those we work with would recognize consistency in our lives because we work “for the Lord and not for man.” (Colossians 3:23)
Updates on prayer requests:
– Ivan was able to go home, he needs to rest, and will use an eye patch to try and correct his vision.
– George Van Leeuwen has been moved back to the Mennonite Village. Pray for healing and clarity in what his health needs are.
– Facebook update from Geri on Clyde from last night: “We went to the doctor today for the swollen knee, he has a gout flare-up as they didn’t give him his gout medicine in the hospital as it affects the kidneys.  He is going to be on a heart monitor for a week or two.  We go back on Monday for more follow ups on his health and health plan. Thanks for all the love and prayers.”
For your information:
– Don’t forget to sign up and register for men’s roundup if you haven’t done that yet.  It is only 2 weeks away!
– Bring clothes for the clothing exchange tomorrow morning from 10-12.  On Saturday will be the exchange for those who brought clothes.  On Sunday anyone may look at what’s left!  A great way to get sizes that you need and send your small stuff to someone else in need!
– Tuesday, August 30th.  One night only.  A film endorsed by Conservative Baptist Mission and World Venture will be in theaters. 
The Insanity of God
wrestles with the question, Is Jesus worth it? Go online to find local theaters and show times.  A great opportunity to see it and wrestle with the implications of taking the great commission seriously.
Don’t forget to be reading Deuteronomy 6 and work on memorizing Joshua 22:5.  See you Sunday! 
With love – Pastor Justin