Love From Your Pastor

Hello FBC!

Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  (Matthew 11:28)
Do you feel like you need rest?  Not just physical rest, which is important too, but spiritual rest.  “Rest for your souls” is how He puts it (11:29).  Have you been trying to earn favor with God by your good works?  Have you thought that somehow you can earn salvation by trying hard enough?  There’s only one way to truly experience rest for your soul – come to Jesus!  Allow Him to take your heavy burdens from you.  By faith, enter into relationship with Him, and you will find the rest your soul longs for.
This Sunday I will preach the final message in Nahum, “The Surety of Judgment.”  Please read Nahum 3 to prepare for worship.  Consider well the sobering message it contains.  And take comfort in the fact that the Judge of all the earth will do right!
Remeber, we have a membership class planned for Jan. 26 after the worship service.  Please reply to let me know if you plan to attend!
Also, we hope to do a baptism service sometime in February.  Have you publicly testified to your faith in Christ by obeying His command to be baptized?  If not, why not?  Let me know soon if God is calling you to do so!
How are you coming on your spiritual disciplines so far in 2014?  Even if you stumble, don’t give up!  Remember, we are “training ourselves for godliness,” which has value for all eternity!
Resting in Jesus today,
Love From Your Pastor,