Love From Your Pastor

Happy St Patrick’s Day FBC!

And Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.”
 (Mark 6:4)
Those of us following the same Bible reading schedule this year started reading the book of Mark this week.  That is one of the reasons we looked at Mark 6 last Sunday, and zeroed in on a few of the key things Jesus said.  The statement in verse 4 struck me again today, and I’m trying to continue to think through it.  But isn’t it amazing that the people who thought they knew Jesus the best, actually were some of the most mistaken about who He really was?  It’s easy for people to have a familiarity with stories about Jesus, but be way off in terms of understanding His true identity.  It’s also easy for people to think they know a lot about Jesus, but for their hearts to be far from Him.  I’m hoping and praying that I, along with my family, will continue to draw close to Jesus, grow in our love for Him and faith in Him, and be used by Him to help others come to an understanding of who He really is.
This Sunday we’ll continue in Mark by looking at the “triumphal entry” in Mark 11:1-11.  It would be good to read that ahead of time and join us as we worship Him with our “Hosanna!” this Sunday!  Do you know what “Hosanna” means?
Don’t forget, men, about our monthly Men’s Breakfast this Saturday at 7am!
Also Saturday, everyone is invited to the all-church work day from 9am to Noon.  There’s plenty of sprucing up to do as we prepare for Easter!
Speaking of Easter… 10 days away!  Please be praying for the worship service, for your friends/family that you want to invite, and for all of the guests we’ll have that day.  We’ve been asked to bring breads and cupcakes to share in a time of fellowship and goodies on Easter Sunday.
Finally, many of you will hopefully receive a letter we sent out from the church this week.  We did our best to include everybody and get addresses right.  But in case we missed you, I’m going to attach the content of that letter here:

Dear Brothers and Sisters of FBC,

“Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.”

I am writing to invite you to a special informational meeting this Sunday, March 20th, following the morning worship service.  The purpose of the meeting is for the Search Task Team, given the charge of searching for the best choice for an Associate Pastor of Youth & Family Ministry, to share with the church family about the decision they have come to and the process they went through to arrive at that decision.  We believe the Lord has been clearly leading to this point and would like to share with you in more detail about that.

Many of you are aware that Justin & Lynsey Hostetter spent March 3-7 visiting our community and our church.  After that visit the Search Task Team was unanimous in their recommendation to the elders to ask Justin to come and candidate for the position in the coming weeks, and the elders have all agreed.  Justin and Lynsey have decided that they want to move forward with the process as well.

At our meeting Sunday, the Search Task Team will discuss Justin’s experience and qualifications, what was learned from his references, how he might fulfill the job description, how he might fit in with this church and this community, and anything else relevant to the discussion.  Both the Task Team and the Elders will also be speaking to the recommended salary package that would be necessary to support Justin and his family should he be called to serve at FBC.

Please try and join us for this important meeting.  To God be the glory!  Grace be with you all.

In His Love,

Pastor Michael Beach,

for the FBC Elders & the Search Task Team