Love From Your Pastor

Greetings Brothers & Sisters of FBC!  Happy New Year!

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month.  The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.  No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His servants will worship Him.  They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads.  And night will be no more.  They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever.
 (Revelation 22:1-5)
I think this is a fitting passage to focus on as we wind up the year 2015. On this last day of the year, the last chapter of the Bible speaks words of hope and promise for the future.  I appreciate the note on Rev. 21:22 — 22:5 in the
Gospel Transformation Bible
:  “There is no temple in the new Jerusalem because there is no more need for a building in which humans can meet with God.  We will meet with God Himself directly in the person of the Lamb.  When Adam and Eve fell into sin, the corruption of their hearts and our world created separation from our holy God.  Throughout history, the tabernacle and then the temple provided microcosmic restorations of the fellowship enjoyed in Eden.  In the new earth, we have unhindered access to the fellowship, goodness, and glory of our God (presented here in terms of a new and improved Paradise), for all that is unclean is now outside the new Jerusalem.  All this is because of the gospel.  Jesus was the one clean person to ever walk the face of the earth, but He went to a cross.  There He became ‘unclean’ so that we unclean sinners can be fully and finally cleansed, all by grace (2 Cor. 5:21).”  Amen!
As you consider your hopes, dreams, plans, and goals for 2016, I’d like to encourage you again to join us in reading through the Bible this year.  (By the way, for those who read through with us in 2015, and made it all the way through – way to go!  For those who may have started and not finished, don’t be discouraged – try again in 2016!)  We have provided copies of a reading plan that I and a number of others plan to use this year.  They are located on one of the small tables in the foyer.  I am excited about using this new plan (which was shared with me by Randy Waldie – it’s one that he’s used for many years).  If you haven’t picked one up yet, make sure to grab one this Sunday.  Here are the first week of readings:
January 1 — Genesis 1-4
Jan. 2 — Genesis 5-8
Jan. 3 (SUNDAY) — Job 1-5
Jan. 4 — Genesis 9-12
Jan. 5 — Genesis 13-17
Jan. 6 — Genesis 18-20
Jan. 7 — Genesis 21-23
There is nothing more important and more helpful for our growth in Christlikeness than Bible reading and prayer.  I hope you will join us in reading the Bible daily this year!
Much less important than reading the Bible, yet still very helpful for our spiritual growth, is reading good books.  I am setting a goal of reading at least one book per week in 2016.  I hope to take some cues for my selection of books to read from the “2016 Reading Challenge” by author Tim Challies.  I’d encourage you to challenge yourself to read more this year as well.  For ideas and inspiration, here is the link for the reading challenge:
This Sunday I am starting a new series:
ZEPHANIAH: Mighty to Save. 
This will be a short series – just 3 weeks since there are 3 chapters!  I will be speaking on Zeph. 1 this Sunday with a message titled, “The Day of the LORD is Near.”  Please read ahead and ask the Lord to speak to us from this short prophetic book.  In fact, since it’s so short you could even read all 3 chapters to get a feel for the whole message of the book.  Please be sure to join us the next 3 weeks to hear from Zephaniah!  We will also be remembering the Lord’s death for us this Sunday as we share in Communion.  Be prepared to share with the Communion/Care Fund following the service.
We will also be hearing a presentation from a representative of the Gideon’s ministry this Sunday.  They too will be receiving an offering from us at the doors on your way out of the sanctuary.  They have a wonderful ministry sharing the Word of God around the world.  Let’s be generous with them!
Finally, please continue to be in prayer for Coe James, as she recovers from her neck injury, for Vicki Stutzman as she recovers from her broken upper arm, and for Alan and Zsuzsa Blake as he continues his recovery and therapy.  Pray for encouragement and peace for each of these, and for speedy healing!
May we prepare our hearts to worship God and the Lamb more than ever in 2016, and to shine His light as we prepare to reign forever and ever!
Love From Your Pastor,